Home remodeling is as hot as it's ever been. Here are five projects that bring the best return on investment.
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Home remodeling is hotter than ever.
According to researchers at Harvard University, remodeling investment is up 6% over last year, and now makes up a $324 billion market.
According to a survey of remodelers and real estate professionals, there are five remodeling projects that offer the best returns:
1. Your kitchen. Kitchen remodeling can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. However, to maximize your return, keep your investment to under 20% of the value of your home—as is recommended by surveyed real estate professionals. The outcome? A whopping 85% return on your investment.
2. Your bathroom. A thorough bath remodeling project can cost up to $20,000. However, not only will it pay for itself, it should give you an added 80% return.
3. Your deck. Replacing your deck can cost you anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the size. The expected benefit will be similar to a bathroom remodeling project—around an 80% return for a fresh, new deck.
Some will make more sense for your home than others.